代表性论文 及著作 | Ao
L, Ding Z, Liu B*,
Pei Z*,
et al. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ultimate Carrying
Capacity of a Funnel Structure with Opening under Wind
Pressure[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023,
12(1): 41. Kang
Y, Pei Z*,Ao L,
et al. Reliability-based design optimization of river-sea-going
ship based on agent model technology[J]. Marine Structures,
2024,94:103561. 敖雷,史治中,张磊,丁子奇,裴志勇*等.双轴压缩下含舱内爆炸凹陷损伤薄板的剩余极限承载能力试验研究.中国舰船研究,2024. Pei
Z, Yuan Q, Ao L*,
et al. A research on similarity law for combined ultimate bending
and torsional strength[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures,
2023:1-12. Ao
L, Shi Z, Pei Z*,
et al. Study on the dynamic ultimate strength of cracked thin
plates under in-plane impact load[J]. Ocean Engineering,
2023,286:115507. 敖雷,胡鹏辉,刘斌*,等.大型邮轮舷侧连续开口结构弯剪强度简化计算研究[J].江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),
2023,37(05):22-26. Liu
B, Du X, Gan J*,Ao L,
et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of the ultimate
compressive strength of double-deck structures with a large
opening[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2022:1-14. Ding
Z, Shi Z, Ao L*,
Pei Z. The intelligent damage recognition system for deep-sea
risers based on convolutional neural network[C]. The 35st
Asian-Pacific Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine
Structures, 2022. 裴志勇,谢嗣同,杨斌,敖雷等.大型邮轮结构崩溃试验模型设计研究[J].古天乐代言太阳集团学报(交通科学与工程版),
2022,46(02):242-246. Yang
L, Liu S, Ao L,
et al. Development and assessment of the interface lattice
Boltzmann flux solvers for multiphase flows[J]. International
Journal of Modern Physics C, 2022,33(12):2250165. 张磊*,敖雷,裴志勇.多个柔性梁 V型集群行为节能机理研究[J].力学学报,
2022,54(6):1706-1719. Liu
B, Gao L, Ao L*,
et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of ultimate
compressive strength of stiffened panel with openings[J]. Ocean
Engineering, 2021,220:108453. Ao
L, Zhang Lei, Pei Z*,
Liu B, Kong X, et al. Experimental study on Residual Strength of
Hull Panels with implosion Damage under Biaxial Compression[C].
The 34st Asian-Pacific Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on
Marine Structures, 2021. 裴志勇,马中原,敖雷,等.散货船进水状态逐次崩溃特性研究[J].中国造船,
2021,62(01):28-39. Ao
Wu H, Wang D, et al. Evaluation on the residual ultimate strength
of stiffened plates with central dent under longitudinal
thrust[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020,202:107167. Kong
X, Yang Y, Gan J*,Ao L,
et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on the detailed
buckling process of similar stiffened panels subjected to
in-plane compressive load[J]. Thin-Walled Structures,
2020,148:106620. Ao
L, Wang D, Wu J. A Modified
Formula for Predicting the Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Panels
Under Longitudinal Compression[J]. International Journal of
Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2019,29(2):228-236. Ao
L, Wang D . Proceedings of
the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering OMAE2016 June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South
Korea[J]. 2016. Ao
L, Wang D. Ultimate
torsional strength of cracked stiffened box girders with a large
deck opening[J]. International Journal of Naval Architecture and
Ocean Engineering, 2016,8(4):360-374. Ao
L, Wang D. Proceedings of
the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore
and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015 May 31-June 5, 2015, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada[J]. 2015. 敖雷,连琏,徐雪松,等.母船垂荡运动下拖缆响应研究[J].船舶工程,