姓 名 | 饶响 | 出生年月 | 1994年7月 | |
性 别 | 男 | 职 称 | 助理研究员 | |
邮 箱 | rxiang@whut.edu.cn | 硕/博导 | ||
联系电话 | 18202758212 | |||
研究领域 | 船舶动力系统摩擦学;船舶替代燃料技术;船舶动力系统状态监测 | |||
个人简介 | 2023年毕业于古天乐代言太阳集团轮机工程专业,工学博士,主要从事船舶动力系统摩擦学、磨损状态监测与磨损控制研究工作,在能源和机械领域权威期刊上以第一作者发表学术论文十余篇,授权发明专利2项,获省部级奖励1项,并担任Applied Energy、Energy、船舶工程等期刊审稿人。 | |||
教育经历 | (1)2019.09-2023.06古天乐代言太阳集团,轮机工程,博士 (2)2016.09-2019.06古天乐代言太阳集团,轮机工程,硕士 (3)2012.09-2016.06古天乐代言太阳集团,能源动力系统及自动化,学士 | |||
工作经历 | (1)2023.09至今,古天乐代言太阳集团,古天乐代言太阳集团,博士后 | |||
科研项目 | [1]燃油清净增效剂对船舶柴油机的性能影响机制与应用研究,国家资助博士后研究人员计划,GZC20232010,2024.01-2025.12,在研,主持 [2]船用生物柴油对缸套活塞环组件腐蚀与磨损的影响机理研究,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,2024.03-2026.03,在研,主持 [3]低硫燃油条件下船舶主机缸套磨损机理与抑制方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,52372361,2024.01-2027.12,在研,参与 [4]生物燃油实船示范应用及风险评估,企业委托项目,202302hx0246,2023.01-2025.02,在研,参与 [5]船用燃油清净增效剂研究与应用,企业委托项目,202302hx0247,2023.01-2025.02,在研,参与 | |||
代表性论文 及著作 | [1] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Dai Leyang, Yuan Chengqing. A novel finding on tribological, emission, and vibration performances of diesel engines linking to graphene- attapulgite lubricants additives under hot engine tests[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 182: 113366. (SCI收录, IF: 15.9, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [2] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Zhang Xuecheng, Yin Huabing, Xu Chang, Yuan Chengqing. Effects of textured cylinder liner piston ring on performances of diesel engine under hot engine tests[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 146: 111193. (SCI收录, IF: 15.9, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [3] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Yuan Chengqing. A review of online condition monitoring and maintenance strategy for cylinder liner-piston rings of diesel engines[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 165: 108385. (SCI收录, IF: 8.4, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [4] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Xu Chang, Dai Leyang, Yuan Chengqing. Corrosion behaviors of cylinder liner in marine diesel engine burning low sulfur fuel oil: An experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study[J]. Tribology International, 2022, 171: 107575. (SCI收录, IF:6.2, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [5] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Hou Xianbin, Wei Yukun, Dai Leyang. Preparation and properties of graphene composite lubricants additive used for cylinder liner in marine diesel burning low sulfur fuel oil[J]. Wear, 2023, 528-529: 204994. (SCI收录, IF: 5, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [6] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Yuan Chengqing. Effects of thread groove width in cylinder liner surface on performances of diesel engine [J]. Wear, 2019, 426-427: 1296-1303. (SCI收录, IF: 5, JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [7] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Zhang Xuecheng, Yin Huabing, Xu Chang, Yuan Chengqing. Anti-friction and self-repairing abilities of ultrafine serpentine, attapulgite, and kaolin in oil for the cylinder liner-piston ring tribo-systems[J]. Lubrication Science, 2022, 34(3): 210-223. (SCI收录, IF: 1.9, JCR Q3) [8] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei. The influence of different surface textures on wears in cylinder liner piston rings[J]. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2019, 7: 045011. (SCI收录, IF: 2.7, JCR Q2) [9] Rao Xiang, Sheng Chenxing, Guo Zhiwei, Yuan Chengqing. Influence of surface groove width on tribological performance for cylinder liner piston ring components[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2019, 62(2): 239-248. (SCI 收录, IF: 2.1, JCR Q3) [10]饶响,盛晨兴,郭智威.不同表面纹理结构对柴油机缸套-活塞环摩擦磨损性能的影响研究[J].兵工学报, 2018, 39(2): 356-363. (EI 收录) [11]饶响,盛晨兴,郭智威,袁成清.小型船舶柴油机缸套表面环形槽结构的摩擦磨损性能试验[J].船舶工程, 2017, 39(11): 35-39. (中文核心) | |||
所获奖励 | 2023.12 古天乐代言太阳集团优秀博士学位论文 2023.04 古天乐代言太阳集团博士优秀毕业研究生 2022.10 博士研究生国家奖学金 2021.12 船舶柴油机缸套-活塞环磨损控制关键技术及应用,中国航海学会科技进步奖,一等奖(序6/15); 2019-2022古天乐代言太阳集团博士生卓越奖学金(连续四年) | |||
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