姓 名 | 李捷 | 出生年月 | 1982.8 | |
性 别 | 男 | 职 称 | 副教授 | |
邮 箱 | jieli@whut.edu.cn | 硕/博导 | 硕导,博导 | |
联系电话 | 15007125296 | |||
研究领域 | 1、微/纳米流体流动和传热研究; 2、动力系统高效传热研究; 3、干燥技术机理及应用研究。 | |||
个人简介 | 毕业于华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,曾就职于山东省科学院工业节能研究中心,之后在比利时列日大学应用化学系从事博士后研究,现就职于古天乐代言太阳集团,长期从事工热、传热、流体力学相关教学科研工作。主要研究领域为微纳米流体的传热传质,包括微通道粘弹性流体的传热和混合、纳米通道粘弹性流体的离子浓差极化。在国际SCI期刊发表文章20余篇,多次参加国际会议并做口头报告,获得近10项发明专利。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、国家自然科学基金中比国际合作项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。 | |||
教育经历 | 2012/11-2014/12,比利时列日大学,应用化学系,博士后 2004/09-2010/06,华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,博士(硕博连读) 2000/09-2004/06,华北电力大学,能源与动力工程学院,本科 | |||
工作经历 | 2021/08-至今,古天乐代言太阳集团,古天乐代言太阳集团,副教授 2015/12-2021/07,古天乐代言太阳集团,能源与动力工程学院,副教授 2015/04-2015/11,古天乐代言太阳集团,能源与动力工程学院,讲师 2010/07-2012/10,山东省科学院,工业节能研究中心,助理研究员 | |||
科研项目 | 2019—2020:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,基于X射线断层扫描和3D图像分析的污泥干燥强化技术机理研究(5181102203),主持 2018—2020:国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于结构优化方法的污泥干燥图像分析及机理研究(51708432),主持 2017—2020:国家自然科学基金面上项目,北极海冰耦合传热及其对冰体结构强度影响的机理研究(51676144),参加(排名第二)。 2016—2017:古天乐代言太阳集团自主创新项目,污泥干燥中收缩效应的减轻方法和机理研究,主持 2012—2014:比利时列日大学博士后基金,污泥与生物质混合干燥、热解气化的研究,主持。 2012—2014:比利时国家博士后科学研究基金,多孔材料的过热蒸汽和/或湿空气的对流干燥研究,参加。 | |||
代表性论文 及著作 | (1)Jiajie Yang, Yi Chen, Changlong Du, Xintao Guan, Jie Li*. Numerical simulation of electroosmotic mixing of non-Newtonian fluids in a micromixer with zeta potential heterogeneity. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2023, 186: 109339. (2)Zhihao Zhang, Lei Tang, Yu Hao, Li Peng, Jie Li*. Vortex of viscoelastic fluid electroosmotic flow at the micro-nanochannel interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 663: 131071. (3)Hao Wu, Chi Li, Jie Li*. Heat transfer enhancement by pulsating flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a microchannel with a rib plate. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2022, 26(2-3): 112-128. (4)Yi Chen, Zhuoyao Lv, Yuqi Wei, and Jie Li*. Mixing performance of the induced charge electro-osmosis micromixer with conductive chamber edges for viscoelastic fluid. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 083110. (5)Jie Li*,Laurent Fraikin,Thierry Salmon,Dominique Toye,Angélique Léonard. Influence of back-mixing on the convective drying of sewage sludge: The structural characteristics. Drying Technology, 2022, 40(1): 205-212. (6)Zhuoyao Lv, Lai Zhang, Hao Wu, Yang Wang, Jie Li*. Induced charge electroosmosis characteristics of viscoelastic fluid around a metal cylinder. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 623: 126727. (7)Guan-Chen Liu, Li Xu*, Jie Li*, Qiang Sun, Zong-Qiang Liu, and Hai-Wen Chen. Simulation of Abrasion Characteristics of Polar Ship Seawater Pipelines under the Coupling of Ice Particles and Vibration. Applied Science, 2020, 10: 1349. (8)Dilin Chen, Jie Li*, Haiwen Chen, Lai Zhang, Hongna Zhang*, Yu Ma*. Electroosmotic flow behavior of viscoelastic LPTT fluid in a microchannel. Micromachines, 2019, 10: 881. (9)Jie Li*, Dilin Chen, Jian Ye, Lai Zhang, Teng Zhou* and Yi Zhou*. Direct Numerical Simulation of Seawater Desalination Based on Ion Concentration Polarization. Micromachines, 2019, 10: 562. (10)Jie Li, Cheng-Wei Wu, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye, Emmanuel Nistajakis, Angélique Léonard. Convective drying of sawdust-sludge mixtures: The effect of the sludge matrix. Drying Technology, 2019, 37 (7): 920–927. (11)Li Xu, Chang-Xu Huang, Zhen-Fei Huang, Qiang Sun, Jie Li*. Numerical simulation of flow and melting characteristics of seawater-ice crystals two-phase flow in inlet straight pipe of shell and tube heat exchanger of polar ship. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 54: 3345–3360. (12)Xiang Ji, Li Xu, Teng Zhou, Liuyong Shi, Yongbo Deng, Jie Li. Numerical investigation of DC dielectrophoretic deformable particle–particle interactions and assembly. Micromachines 2018, 9: 260. (13)Li Xu, Qiang Sun, Bing Tang, Chang-Xu Huang, Jie Li*. Numerical simulation of ice particle erosion in seawater pipelines of polar ship under vibration conditions. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 147: 9–19. (14)Jie Li, Erwan Plougonven, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye, Emmanuel Nistajakis, and Angélique Léonard. Influence of sawdust addition on drying of wastewater sludges: Comparison of structural characteristics. Drying Technology, 2017, 35 (8): 925–932. (15)Jie Li, Zuo-Qin Qian. The application of image acquisition and analysis techniques to the field of drying. Food Engineering Reviews, 2017, 9: 13–35. (16)Jie Li, Erwan Plougonven, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye, Emmanuel Nistajakis, and Angélique Léonard. Positive operations on wastewater sludge drying: Comparison of back-mixing and sawdust addition. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30: 3014−3019. (17)Jie Li, Qian-Chao Liang, Lyes Bennamoun. Superheated steam drying: Design aspects, energetic performances, and mathematical modeling. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 60: 1562–1583. (18)Jie Li, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Erwan Plougonven, Dominique Toye, and Angélique Léonard. Convective drying behavior of sawdust-sludge mixtures in a fixed bed. Drying Technology, 2016, 34 (4): 395–402. (19)Lyes Bennamoun, Laurent Fraikin, Jie Li*, Angélique Léonard. Forced convective drying of wastewater sludge with the presentation of exergy analysis of the dryer. Chemical Engineering Communications, 2016, 203: 855–860. (20)Jie Li, Erwan Plougonven, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye, Emmanuel Nistajakis, and Angélique Léonard. Multiscale structure characterization of sawdust-waste water sludge extrudates dried in a pilot-scale fixed bed. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2015, 81: 98–107. (21)Jie Li, Erwan Plougonven, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye and Angélique Léonard. Image analysis of X-ray tomograms of sludge during convective drying in a pilot-scale fixed bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 134: 222–229. (22)Jie Li, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Lyes Bennamoun, Dominique Toye, Raphael Schreinemachers, and Angélique Léonard. Investigation on convective drying of mixtures of sewage sludge and sawdust in a fixed bed. Drying Technology, 2015, 33 (6): 704–712. (23)Jie Li, Lyes Bennamoun, Laurent Fraikin, Thierry Salmon, Dominique Toye, Raphael Schreinemachers, and Angélique Léonard. Analysis of shrinkage effect on mass transfer during the convective drying of sawdust/sludge mixtures. Drying Technology, 2014, 32 (14): 1706–1717. (24)Jie Li, Jidong Lu, Zhaoxiang Lin, Shunsheng Gong, Chengli Xie, Liang Chang, Lifei Yang, Pengyan Li. Effects of experimental parameters on elemental analysis of coal by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Optics & Laser Technology, 2009, 41(8): 907–913. (25)Chengli Xie, Jidong Lu, Pengyan Li, Jie Li, Zhaoxiang Lin. Correction and analysis of lead content in soil by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Chinese Optics Letters, 2009, 7(6): 545–548. (26)Rong Xie, Wei-jie Li, Jie Li, Bo-liang Wu, Jia-qiang Yi. Emissions investigation for a novel medical waste incinerator. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 166(1): 365–371. (27)Shijie Wang, Jidong Lu, Weijie Li, Jie Li, Zhijuan Hu. Modeling of pulverized coal combustion in cement rotary kiln. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20: 2350–2356. | |||
所获奖励 | ||||
国际交流 与合作 | 美国欧道明大学、比利时列日大学等 | |||
招生专业 | 硕士招生专业 | 动力工程、轮机工程、船舶与海洋工程 | ||
博士招生专业 | 动力工程 | |||
毕业生 主要去向 | 研究所、企业研发中心等单位 |