姓 名 | 谌伟 | 出生年月 | 1986.07 | |
性 别 | 男 | 职称/职位 | 副教授/副主任 | |
邮 箱 | shenwei_abc@163.com | 硕/博导 | 硕导 | |
联系电话 | ||||
研究领域 | 结构安全性与可靠性评估,疲劳、损伤与断裂,船体结构健康监测,先进复合材料结构等 | |||
个人简介 | 谌伟,博士,副教授,港口航道与海洋工程系副主任。主要从事结构安全性与可靠性评估,疲劳与断裂,结构健康监测,先进复合材料结构力学等领域的研究。中国力学学会、中国水利教育协会、中国交通教育研究会网络教育资源中心会员,担任焊接杂志社第一届青年编委会编委、中国钢结构协会海洋钢结构分会理事,《International Journal of Fatigue》、《Ships and Offshore Structures》、《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》、《Thin-walled Structures》、《International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering》、《Engineering Structure》、《SN Applied Sciences》、《International Journal of Solid and Structures》、《Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》、《Journal of Material Science》、《Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures》、《Engineering Review》、《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》、《工程力学》、《上海交通大学学报》等期刊审稿人。担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,指导硕士研究生10余人,协助指导博士生1人。主讲课程《工程力学》、《材料力学》、《船舶结构力学》、《港口水工建筑物》、《结构完整性分析》、《结构动力学》、《断裂与损伤力学》、《结构稳定性分析》、《水工结构建模分析》等。 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、国家重点实验室基金项目、多项国防研究项目,参加国家自然科学基金、国防科研项目、企业横向项目多项,在国内外权威期刊、会议上发表相关文章70余篇,其中SCI检索46篇(一作或通讯39篇,含录用2篇),EI检索12篇(一作6篇),中文核心8篇,申请国家发明专利2项(授权1项),编写规划教材1部(第二)。 | |||
教育经历 | 2012.09—2015.06,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业博士; 2010.09—2012.06,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业硕士; 2006.09—2010.06,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与海洋工程专业本科; | |||
工作经历 | 2021.11—至今,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与动力工程学院港口与航道结构工程系副主任; 2017.09—至今,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与动力工程学院港口与航道结构工程系副教授; 2015.07—2017.09,古天乐代言太阳集团船舶与动力工程学院港口与航道结构工程系讲师; 2014.05—2015.05,英国University of Strathclyde船舶与海洋结构工程系访问研究者; | |||
科研项目 |
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代表性论文 及著作 | [1] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Enqian Liu, Lin Xu. Fatigue growth behavior for surface crack in welding joints under combined compressive and bending stresses[J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 77:50-63. [2] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Nigel Barltrop, Min Song, Enqian Liu. Fatigue crack growth analysis of T junction under biaxial compressive-compressive loading[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 154:207-224. [3] Wei Shen, Nigel Barltrop, Renjun Yan, Enqian Liu, Kai Qin, Lifei Song. Stress field and fatigue strength analysis of 135-degree sharp corners under tensile and bending loadings based on notch stress strength theory[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 107:32-44. [4] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Nigel Barltrop, Enqian Liu, Lifei Song. A method of determining structural stress for fatigue strength evaluation of welded joints based on notch stress strength theory[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2016, 90:87-98. [5] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Xiaoxing Wang, Enqian Liu, Lin Xu. Fatigue life evaluation of welded joints considering the local multiaxial stress/strain states and numerically determined residual stresses/strains[J].International Journal of Steel Structures, 2017,17(1):139-153. [6] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Nigel Barltrop, Kai Qin, Feng He. A simplified fatigue assessment method for transverse fillet welded joints[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2017,30(2):198-208. [7] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Feng He, Shaomin Wang. Multiaxial fatigue analysis of complex welded joints in notch stress approach[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 204: 344-360. [8] Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Bailu Luo, Yingfu Zhu, Haiyan Zeng. Ultimate strength analysis of composite typical joints for ship structures[J].Composite Structures, 2017,171: 32-42. [9] Wei Shen, Bailu Luo, Renjun Yan, Haiyan Zeng, Lin Xu. The mechanical behavior of sandwich composite joints for ship structures[J].Ocean Engineering, 2017,144: 78-89. [10]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Shuangying Li, Lin Xu. Spring-back analysis in the cold-forming process of ship hull plates[J].The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96: 2341-2354. [11]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Yue Lin, Heqi Fu. Residual stress analysis of hull plate in multi-point forming[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 148:65-76. [12]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Shuangying Li. Numerical and experimental analysis on cold-forming and spring-back of hull plate[J]. Proc ImechE Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 233:561-569. [13]Wei Shen, Linzhi Xu, Feng He, Lifei Song. Notch stress to assess multiaxial fatigue of complex welded structures under non-proportional loading[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 102: 151-161. [14]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Chunmei Li, Yaoyu Hu, Mengzhen Li. Fatigue strength evaluation of thin plate butt joints considering initial deformation[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 125:85-96. [15]Wei Shen, Yingjiang Zhao, Lun Li, Yu Qiu, Enqian Liu. Assessment of residual ultimate strength on plate girders with web opening under compression-bending loadings[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019,187: 106147. [16]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Linzhi Xu, Lifei Song. Stress concentration effect of thin plate joints considering welding defects[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 184: 273-288. [17]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Yue Lin, Peiyong Li. Evaluation of residual stress for multi-point repeated forming technology[J]. Ships and Offshores Structures, 2019, 1686228. [18] Yaoyu Hu, Renjun Yan, Wei Shen, Kang Liu. Notch stress analysis and fatigue strength assessment of tube-flange welded joints under torsion loading[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 186: 106074. [19]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, et al. Fatigue reliability evaluation of thin plate welded joints considering initial welding deformation[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236, 109440. [20]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Nigel Barltrop, et al. Stress field analysis of 135-degree sharp corners based on notch stress strength theory[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2015, 19(3):273-283. [21]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Nigel Barltrop, et al. Fatigue strength evaluation of transverse fillet welded joints based on notch stress strength theory[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2015,19(9): 1116-1125. [22]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Lin Xu, et al. A modified stress intensity factor expression subjected to combination of compressive and bending stresses[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(3):303-316. [23]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Lin Xu, et al.Experimental study on biaxial compressive-compressive fatigue of T junction[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2014, 18(12):1460-1471. [24]谌伟,严仁军,徐琳,张新宇,耿黎明.考虑残余应力下焊接接头多轴疲劳损伤研究[J].中国造船, 2014, 55(2):67-76. [25]严仁军,何丰,谌伟.基于缺口应力法的焊接接头疲劳强度评估[J].古天乐代言太阳集团学报(交通科学与工程版), 2017, 5: 766-769. [26]徐林志,严仁军,谌伟.弯曲载荷下船体十字形焊接接头的应力场分析[J].船海工程,2018, 3: 80-83. [27]Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Lin Xu, Guangning Tang, Xialiang Chen. Application study on FBG sensor applied to hull structural health monitoring[J]. OPTIK, 2015, 126: 1499-1504. [28]胡鑫,严仁军,谌伟,胡耀愚,何丰.基于缺口应力法的IIW多轴疲劳准则分析[J].焊接学报, 2019, 40: 77-81. [29]胡鑫,严仁军,谌伟,胡耀愚,何丰.基于IIW准则的焊接接头多轴疲劳强度评估[J].船舶工程, 2019, 7: 105-110. [30] Xin Hu, Renjun Yan, Wei Shen, Yaoyu Hu, Feng He. Research on stress concentration factor of tube joints under pure bending and torsion loading[J].China Welding, 2019, 28: 28-34. [31]裴志勇,谌伟,杨平,吴卫国.船体强度与结构设计[M].科学出版社2017. [32]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Renjun Yan, Linzhi Xu, Enqian Liu. A simplified method for evaluating singular stress field and fatigue strength of U-shaped notch[J]. Marine Structures, 2020, 72:102770. 1 [33]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Yaoyu Hu, Enqian Liu, Jin Pan. A simplified method for evaluating singular stress field of V-shaped and U-shaped notches with different opening angle[J].Ocean Engineering, 2020, 210:107352. [34] Shaomin Wang, Wei Shen, Jinjie Guo, Taiping Yuan, Yu Qiu, Qiyou Tao. Engineering prediction of fatigue strength for copper alloy netting structure by experimental method[J]. Aquacultural Engineering, 2020, 90:102087. 4 [35]Wei Shen, Mou Zuo, Shuangxi Xu, Enqian Liu. Evaluation of fatigue strength of cruciform welded joints by strain energy density method based on singular strength factor[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 108: 102639. [36]Wei Shen, Guiming Liang, Chunmei Li, Enqian Liu. A simplified method to predict the local stress field and N-SIF of V-shaped notch[J].Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 234: 107096. [37]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Lin Xu, Enqian Liu. A semi-analytical formula for calculating the notch stress field of cruciform welded joint under bending loading[J].Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2020, 43: 1-16. [38] Yaoyu Hu, Renjun Yan, Wei Shen, Filippo Berto, Chunmei Li. A novel semi-analytical method for notch stress and fatigue strength analysis of tube-flange welded joints[J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2020, 141: 105860. [39] Shuangxi Xu, Ziwen Gu, Wei Shen, Qiheng Lei, Weiguo Tang. Experimental and numerical study on ultimate bearing capacity of pressure cabin for nuclear power ships[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 218: 108123. [40]Wei Shen, Xiaoxing Wang, Lin Xu, Yingjiang Zhao. Strain transferring mechanism analysis of the substrate-bonded FBG sensor [J]. OPTIK, 2018, 154: 441-452. [41]Wei Shen, Guiming Liang, Jiajing Lei, Chunmei Li. Singular intensity factor method to estimate notch stress and N-SIF in double edge V-notched plate[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2021, 169: 108387. [42]Wei Shen, Zishuo Wang, Kai Qin, Heqi Fu, Enqian Liu. Simplified semi-analytical method to calculate N-SIF of anisotropic composite plate with single edge notch[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 280: 114953. [43] Kai Qin, Renjun Yan, Wei Shen, Yaoyu Hu. Research on the tension damage behavior of sandwich composite L-joints: experiment and simulation[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 232: 111566. [44]Wei Shen, Yu Qiu, Xiaobin Li, Xinyu Han, Filippo Berto, Dan Hu. Stress magnification effect of initial deformation on the notch stress field and fatigue strength of thin plate welded joints[J]. Marine Structures, 2021, 78: 102999. [45] Yu Qiu, Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Linzhi Xu, Enqian Liu. Fatigue reliability evaluation of thin plate welded joints considering initial welding deformation[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109440. [46]Wei Shen, Xinyu Han, Shuangxi Xu, Junwei Cao, Jinyang Li. Fatigue assessment of 5059 aluminum alloy thin plate welded joint accounting for welding deformation and residual stress[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2021, 2021606. [47] Yu Qiu, Wei Shen, Renjun Yan, Xiaobin Li, Zhenzhou Ye, Mengzhen Li, Kang Liu, Kai Qin. An improved numerical method for calculating mechanical properties of bi-modulus sandwich composite structures[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, in press. [48]Wei Shen, Yuwen Chen, Heiqi Fu, Linzhi Xu, Yu Qiu. A semi-analytical formula for estimating notch stress field and N-SIF of double edge V-notched orthotropic thin plate[J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2022, in press. | |||
所获奖励 | 2020年指导的本科毕业论文被评为校优秀学士论文,2020;校级教学成果一等奖:国际化视角和“新工科”背景下港航专业创新型人才培养体系构建, 2021,排名三;校级,古天乐代言太阳集团青年教师十大科技进展,2021;中国交通教育研究会2017-2019年度交通教育科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖,排名二 | |||
国际交流 与合作 | 2014.05—2015.05,英国University of Strathclyde船舶与海洋结构工程系访问研究者; | |||
招生专业 | 硕士入学专业 | 水利工程、船舶与海洋工程、土木水利、结构工程、工程力学、机械大类 | ||
意向本科专业 | 港航航道与海岸工程、船舶与海洋工程、工程力学 | |||
毕业生 主要去向 | 研究所、企事业单位,深造读博等。 |