

姓   名:姚建喜

性   别:男



邮 箱:yao@whut.edu.cn





[1] Xuemin Song, Jianxi Yao*, Weiqin Liu, Yaqing Shu and Feng Xu (2023), Numerical Generation of Solitary Wave and Its Propagation Characteristics in a Step-Type Flume, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(1): 35.

[2] Lifei Song, Le Hao, Hao Tao, Chuanyi Xu, Rong Guo, Yi Li and Jianxi Yao* (2023), Research on Black-Box Modeling Prediction of USV Maneuvering Based on SSA-WLS-SVM, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(2): 324.

[3] Yikang Liu, Jianxi Yao*, Feng Xu (2022), RANS Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Interactions Between Two Approaching Ships in Shallow Water Considering the Effects of Drift Motion and Rudder Deflection, Ocean Engineering, 261(1): 111952.

[4] Long Jiang, Jianxi Yao* and Zuyuan Liu* (2022), Comparison between the RANS Simulations of Double-Body Flow and Water-Air Flow around a Ship in Static Drift and Circle Motions, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(7): 970.

[5]姚建喜,胡一(2022),船舶操纵运动参数辨识建模与预报软件V1.0,登记号:2022SR0993278, 2022-08-03.

[6]姚建喜,胡一(2022),基于改进粒子群算法的船舶操纵运动辨识建模软件V1.0,登记号:2022SR1291820, 2022-08-26.

[7]姚建喜,胡一(2022),波浪中的船舶操纵性预报软件V1.0,登记号:2022SR1348838, 2022-09-09.

[8]姚建喜,杨三兴(2022),深水船舶回转与Z形操纵运动预报软件V1.0,登记号:2022SR1595912, 2022-12-21

[9] Jianxi Yao*, Zuyuan Liu, Xuemin Song, and Yan Su (2021), Pure Low-Frequency and Pure High-Frequency Ship Motion Equations in Regular Waves, Ocean Engineering, 233(3): 109152.

[10] Jianxi Yao*, Zuyuan Liu, Xuemin Song, and Yan Su (2021), Ship Maneuvering Prediction with Hydrodynamic Derivatives from RANS: Development and Application, Ocean Engineering, 231(2): 109036.

[11] Jianxi Yao*, Xide Cheng, Xuemin Song, Chengsheng Zhan and Zuyuan Liu* (2021), RANS Computation of the Mean Forces and Moments and Wave-Induced Six Degrees of Freedom Motions for a Ship Moving Obliquely in Regular Head and Beam Waves, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(11): 1176.

[12] Yi Hu, Lifei Song*, Zuyuan Liu and Jianxi Yao* (2021), Identification of Ship Hydrodynamic Derivatives Based on LS-SVM with Wavelet Threshold Denoising, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12): 1356.

[13] Qingze Gao, Lifei Song* and Jianxi Yao* (2021), RANS Prediction of Wave-Induced Ship Motions, and Steady Wave Forces and Moments in Regular Waves, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12): 1459.

[14]卢冠宇,姚建喜* (2021), 基于SVR的船舶操纵运动黑箱建模,中国航海, 44(4): 13-19.

[15]高庆泽,姚建喜* (2021), 基于雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程计算的惯性效应与波幅对船舶波浪增阻影响分析,中国造船, 64(4): 75-88.

[16] Jianxi Yao*, Yan Su, Xuemin Song, Zuyuan Liu, Xide Cheng, and Chengsheng Zhan (2020), RANS Analysis of the Motions and Added Resistance for KVLCC2 in Head Regular Waves, Applied Ocean Research, 105(86): 102398.

[17] Jianxi Yao*, Zuyuan Liu*, Yan Su, Xide Cheng, Xuemin Song, and Chengsheng Zhan (2020), A Time-Averaged Method for Ship Maneuvering Prediction in Waves, Journal of Ship Research, 64(3): 203~225.

[18] Jianxi Yao (2020), Prediction of the Dynamic Response of a Ship in Head Waves Using OpenFOAM Toolbox, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 162: 47~53.

[19]姚建喜,郑自强,黄家乐,张文哲,崔连正(2020),基于撬冰作业的极地多用途工作船,专利号:ZL201811004700.2, 2020-02-14.

[20]姚建喜,郑自强,崔连正,刘祖源,程细得(2020),快速自航模虚拟试验系统软件V1.0,登记号:2020SR0038574, 2020-01-08.

[21] Jianxi Yao*, Xide Cheng and Zuyuan Liu (2018), Ship Maneuvering Prediction Based on Numerical Towing Tank technique, International Journal of Maritime Engineering,160: 285~292.

[22] Jianxi Yao*, Weiguo Wu and Keqiang Chen, (2018), Analysis of the Maneuvering of a Sea-River-Going Ship in Shallow Water, The 32ndAsian-Pacific Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures, Wuhan, OCT 15-19.

[23] Jianxi Yao (2017), A virtual piston-type wave maker based on OpenFOAM, International Journal of Maritime Engineering,159: 159~165.

[24] Jianxi Yao (2017), Model- and full-scale RANS simulations for a drift tanker, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 159: 197~204.

[25]姚建喜,刘祖源(2017), RANS simulation of the flow around a ship in head waves,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会,8月8日-10日,长春.

[26]姚建喜,吴静萍(2017),孤立波数值造波研究,古天乐代言太阳集团学报(交通科学与工程版), 41(4): 604~608.

[27] Jianxi Yao, Wei Jin, Yang Song (2016), RANS simulation of the flow around a tanker in forced motion,Ocean Engineering, 127: 236~245.

[28] Jianxi Yao (2015), Investigation on hydrodynamic performance of a marine propeller in oblique flow by RANS computations, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 7(1): 56~69.

[29]姚建喜,邹早建,王化明(2011), Numerical Study on Bank Effects for a Ship Sailing in Shallow Channel, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 16(1): 91~96.

[30]姚建喜,邹早建(2011),船舶近岸航行岸壁效应数值研究,古天乐代言太阳集团学报(交通科学与工程版), 35(3): 435~438.

[31] Jianxi Yao, Zaojian Zou (2010), Calculation of ship squat in restricted waterways by using a 3D panel method, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 22(1): 489~494.

















